
The 17th Globelics International Conference


It is a worldwide network of more than 2000 scholars engaged in research on how innovation and competence building contribute to economic and sustainable development. The network is open and diverse in terms of disciplines, perspectives and research tools. Globelics is a platform for cooperation and interactive learning. It was conceived at the very beginning of the new millennium. Inspired by the work of Christopher Freeman and Richard Nelson, the network was initially built on conversations among scholars in the South and in the North and developed by economists and experts on innovation systems. Over time the network, under the leadership of Bengt-Åke Lundvall has integrated expertise from a wider social science background and experts on broader aspects of development  

One of its main activities is the Annual Globelics Conference, which brings together over 400 leading and young scholars from all over the world, with special efforts to include scholars from low-income countries. The Conference also aims at building research capacity and orienting research toward the local challenges of the host country.